Solstice Sparks & Free-Wheeling Feelings

The last two weeks of June 2024 bring us these captivating astrological events:


  • the summer solstice here in the Northern hemisphere (or winter solstice—Southern hemisphere) which always occurs when the Sun transits into Cancer;
  • a full moon in Capricorn; and
  • three planets roaming out-of-bounds.

As I write this, the Sun is in the last degrees of Gemini; spring is having its last fling! On June 20th, the Sun slides into Cancer (1.51pm, PDT) and another season of summer starts. Throughout human history, people have observed, celebrated, and lit fires in honor of this semi-annual peak of the Sun’s travels (as we Earthlings perceive it).  Astrologer Paul F. Newman notes that the historical pattern of celebrating the solstices shows that in the days prior to the solstice, individuals and communities practice quiet reflection, tribute, and gratitude for all the Sun gives us. Following the solstice, communal celebrations of light and joy abound with feasting, dancing, cheering, and lots of delight.


St. John's Day solstice festival in Poland
Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

Many of us in the Northern hemisphere will be out on Thursday evening observing the Sun’s maximum reach / daylight in the sky as it sets. The solstice marks the day and time when the Sun turns to slowly retreat with the amount of daylight decreasing. For those in the Southern hemisphere, the Sun’s turn encapsulates all various cultural stories of the Sun reborn and rising stronger each day with more light and warmth.

The Moon and Sun Light Show

Friday, the 21st is another terrific day for celebration with others as the Capricorn full moon occurs at 6:08 pm PDT.  The solstice moon isn’t always full or in Capricorn. We have a treat this year with our two grand celestial lights in the opposite astrological signs of Cancer and Capricorn. Each year, at the beginning of summer, the Sun is in the watery cardinal sign of the Moon. The Sun in Cancer from June 20-July 22 shows up with its heart on its sleeve, bravely living and loving from a heart-centered, caring stance. It rides the waves of emotion and reminds you to let your emotions move out into the light—as skillfully as you’re able.

The Capricorn Full Moon steadies us internally on Friday and Saturday with its stability, practicality, and excellent course correction guidance as needed. Both Cancer and Capricorn represent meanings of family, security, integrity, patience, cycles of time, home & work/ working at home/ homework, and the depths and heights of loving especially as parents. If you are any type of parental figure (including mentors, coaches, teachers, etc.) in someone’s life, praise yourself for showing up with care and love! Celebrate yourself and other parents for shining your light and warmth in that capacity during these two days. Parenting is rewarding, challenging, amazing, non-stop, and a true journey of the heart.  Thanks to all who parent others and themselves with vulnerability, strength, transparency, and lots of sunny smiles mixed in!

Free-wheeling Communications and Communing

That’s not all! Oh no, not by a long shot. Let’s talk about the Moon, Mercury, and Venus roaming out-of -bounds (OOB). This means these three planets are currently above or below the farthest reach of the Sun’s path. At the solstices, the Sun reaches its maximum range of 23º 26’ beyond the celestial equator.  The Sun’s annual path relates to celestial latitude, declination, and how the temporarily OOB planets show up in our lives.

Illustration of the Sun's annual path with 0 degree and equator

In a nutshell, planets that are OOB by declination are beyond the Sun’s limits—literally, symbolically, and psychological regarding our experiences of them. The planets’ expressions and meanings become heightened and pronounced.  OOB planets prompt us to freely act, feel, and be our true self more authentically or originally. The combination of these three—Moon, Mercury, Venus—points to a time of expanded possibilities, imagination, and creativity paired with emotional vulnerability and honesty as a path toward true security. It’s a potent time that can assist you in opening up in unusual or unexpected ways as well as truly rethinking what enriches you and your life.


The OOB planetary dates:

Mercury and Venus became OOB starting on June 12th (Venus) and June 13th (Mercury)—both in airy, flexible, curious Gemini.  At that time, these two planets asked us to dream bigger, listen closely to inspiration, insights, or wild ideas, investigate our heart’s desires, and connect, connect, connect! They both moved into watery, lunar Cancer on June 18th . The late balsamic phase Sagittarius Moon is OOB on 6/19-21 and the Capricorn full Moon is OOB on 6/21-24.  From the 19th through the 24th, all three planets are OOB—our combo plate of dropping limits to our individual and collective possibilities, love-infused inspiration, and practical intuition that wants successful changes!  From 6/25-6/30, OOB Mercury and Venus resume their synchronistic swimming momentum through our minds, hearts, daring us to think, love, and create outside the norm, outside our usual boxes.

                                                           Celebrate your best selves my friends! 

Couple standing in the twilight on their vehicle.
Image by Jupi Lu from Pixabay
Margaret Merisante author photo. Margaret Merisante, PhD is an astrologer and feminist comparative mythologist

About the Author

Margaret Merisante, PhD is the founder and astrologer of Awestrology. She believes that maintaining our connections to the natural world help bring us back into balance and foster happiness.

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