June 2024 sails in with lots of twin / doubling energies through five planets in the air sign of Gemini: the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and briefly, the new Moon. Gemini season began on May 21 with the Sun, followed by Venus on May 24, and Jupiter on May 26. Mercury joins the Gemini gang on June 4 and the new Moon in Gemini appears only on June 6-7.  


Naturally, the Sun stays in Gemini until June 21.  Mercury and Venus, in a zingy duet, play in Gemini until June 17. And Jupiter is now here in Gemini through May 2025.  Mutable signs are all twin signs. They teach us flexible balance, fine-tuned connection, sensitivity to others and our environments, and that we are not alone. Welcome to air and mutable energy everyone!

Twin girls on a park bench

As they glide into Gemini, all of these planets trine Pluto in Aquarius which gives them an extra boost of hopeful uplift, an extra pass into inspiration central, and extra stamina to continue to breathe out fear and breathe in love. Grab your natal chart and look at where the planets in Aquarius and Libra are located because these 5 planets are blowing their Gemini messages into those houses (areas of life) for you. Identify your natal planets in the other mutable signs— Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces— and the houses they’re in. These are the areas of  your life that are being charmed, fluttered, and flirted with by the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter.



Gemini is always the first mutable sign we experience in late spring (late fall—southern hemisphere). The first week of June is showered with nimble Gemini energy. This week is terrific for you being outdoors in the fresh air, pivoting to try something new, partnering on a quick project, doing walking meditations, and anything that gives your spirit a lift! Gemini energy brings you the touch of light winds; idea seed pods floating in; fresh curiosity and insights; easy connections with others; laughter, jokes, and light-hearted mischief; and popcorn snacks, dandelion wishes, and spontaneous haiku.


Physically Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, along with the respiratory and nervous systems. Give your shoulders, arms, and hands some love and thanks.  Pamper yourself by slathering lotion onto your lovely limbs. Paying attention to your breath is a simple way to release stress, soothe your nerves, shift your focus, and be consciously back into your body. Laughing with friends and loved ones is medicine! 


Remember, anything you do that is hand-made, i.e. literally made through your hands as an act of care, is a form of Gemini intention and action. Putting your arm around your kid, your friend, your partner is a sign of that light but effective touch of affection. Giving yourself or someone else some applause, a thumbs-up, a heart-felt hug, or holding hands are actions of really feeling the human connection between you and someone else.  It’s akin to stepping into the shoes of twins.   


These planets in Gemini give you opportunities to embrace your soul twin who always thinks you’re fascinating and fun, catch the feathery ideas that are swirling in your head, dance like flowers swaying in the breeze, have buzzy, frothy, honeyed conversations with anyone who feels like a sister, a brother, a bestie, a love, or a bright balloon bouquet  to you.  Indulge in all the small happinesses that surround you and celebrate the season of Gemini.


Margaret Merisante author photo. Margaret Merisante, PhD is an astrologer and feminist comparative mythologist

About the Author

Margaret Merisante, PhD, is the founder and astrologer of Awestrology. She’s also a comparative mythologist whose research centers on restoring women and girls back into the myths of humanity.

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