Biden & Retrograde Neptune in Pisces

Neptune retrograde in Pisces: Our 13th lesson with President Biden


We live in such compelling times!  I know I’ve just stated the obvious 😆. However, with the recent USA events,  I’ve revised what I was going to initially write about Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Instead, I’m giving you a sample of how a collective transit can show up. On July 21, 2024, at 10:46 AM PDT, President Joe Biden announced that he was bowing out of the presidential race.  This moment radically altered the dynamics of the presidential race, and to me, it shows some of the power of the Neptune retrograde in Pisces in a world leader’s chart. 


Now, I’m no expert in mundane (read “world events”) astrology and don’t pretend to be. I’m simply sharing with you my astrological observations on President Biden’s chart at that moment of his announcement. However you personally reacted to this moment is just that—personal, authentic, and private.  I’m not getting into the politics of that moment or anyone’s emotional response here. 

Neptune retrograde in Pisces now

Okay, a brief orientation to Neptune in Pisces and the general responses to it being in retrograde.

Neptune transits through a zodiac sign for about 14 years. Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and we’re currently in our collective 13th lesson. The outer planets are geared toward the collective. Always. We naturally have Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in our personal natal charts and, of course, they can impact us!  And, because of their long cycles around the Sun, the length of each of these planet’s transits definitely affects the world. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and is happy there. In my astrological practice, I view Neptune as the planet that expresses the extremely broad spectrum of consciousness.  Retrogrades in general ask us to pause, to back-up and review our previous perceptions and actions, as well as take a break from pushing forward without reflection. Briefly, Pisces, a mutable water sign, embodies a light, sensitive, interior mode of being. It involves our emotional, intuitive, and often, religious/spiritual approach to part of life wherever Pisces resides in our birth chart. 


Here’s some key words that help define a high or low response to Neptune in Pisces. 

Low response themesEscapist tendencies—run and hide, can’t/won’t deal with reality and it’s shifting nature; addictions & obsessions; stereotypical sheep or lemming behaviors.  

Lower responses: Experiences much more delusion, illusion, or confusion. Wants to have head buried in sand, tuned into fantasy or propaganda, or wrapped in clouds of haze. Reactive and identifies with denial, suffering, and struggle. 


High response themesvisions & visionary awareness; being in flow, synchronicity, & magic. Openness to intuition, imagination, and expansive perspectives; growing in consciousness, clarity, and trust. 

Higher responses: exquisite attunement to collective emotions; consciously surrender control to joyfully work with integrity & integration. 


Are you getting a sense of the large spectrum of responses and levels of conscious awareness that Neptune in Pisces can evoke?  What rings true for you in your life?  What have you observed in the collective in relation to these key words since May? 

Biden and Neptune retrograde at Pisces 29°

Okay, let’s look at President Biden’s natal chart together. I’m only going to focus on a few things:

a) the # of planets in water signs;

b) where those are located; and

c) pointing out his vertical angle line—the midheaven (MC) and the imum coeli (IC).  

President Biden has five planets in water signs—Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio with Jupiter in Cancer. This is a man who embodies his emotional intelligence and genuine connection with others. Those four personal planets are in the 12th house—which is associated with mystery (secrets, taboos, hidden actions, etc.) and Mystery (encounters with the holy, spiritual life & practice, numinous insights).  Biden is steadfast in his devotion to his religious faith.


Jupiter in Cancer is in his 8th house of power and shared resources. The blue lines coming from Jupiter show that it trines (harmonious aspect) to his Venus, Sun, and Mercury. President Biden uses his Jupiter in Cancer wisely whenever he’s vulnerably sharing his genuine emotions with the American people. He models heart-centered male leadership in a positive and humane way.


Now take a look at the bold vertical line in his chart.  That’s the midheaven (MC) and imum coeli (IC) line that marks the cusp of the 10th house and the 4th house respectively.  The 10th house represents a person’s career, fame, reputation, and public offerings.  The MC at 19° Virgo shows the Sun’s highest point in the sky that day. The 4th house represents a person’s family, ancestors, home environment, and as astrologer Dana Gearhart puts it “your inner country of renewal.”  The IC at 19° Pisces approximates “midnight” or the lowest point of the Sun that day. 


Okay, let’s move on now to the transit chart of July 21st in relation to Biden’s natal chart. I’m discussing three important details. We’ll see both the Sun in Cancer and Neptune retrograde in Pisces at the critical 29° and those effects. Then we’ll look at transiting Saturn in Pisces at 19° and its effects on Biden’s MC/IC and his Scorpio Mercury.


Retrograde reflections

Reflection involves mirrors and water. We can see ourselves by looking into mirrors, looking into clear still water, and metaphorically looking into ourselves at our deep clear center. To me, this bi-wheel transit/natal chart for President Biden carries a strong theme of reflection with the July 21 Sun in 29° Cancer and Neptune retrograde in 29° Pisces. The 29th degree of any sign carries meanings of the fullness of accumulated knowledge and skills along with completions/endings, and liminal thresholds. So, President Biden was literally at an astrological threshold when he bravely and gracefully ended his campaign. Here, you can see the watery outer reflection of emotional clamor that solar Cancer processed into clear and sharp focus. It’s matched by the inner pool of Neptunian Pisces that intuitive mirrors spiritual insights.  


All the reflective outer and inner work this transit chart suggests is supported by the Sun’s conjunction to Biden’s natal Jupiter in Cancer which links a grand trine to his natal Scorpio Venus and Sun and to the retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This grand trine of harmony and ease suggests Biden dove into his faith to come to a hard-won conclusion that he could serve the greater good by withdrawing from his campaign through consciously surrendering to the divine guidance I’m sure he received.   


However, the transit chart also shows that this decision was quite difficult, indicated by retrograde Saturn in Pisces which lies directly on Biden’s vertical MC/IC axis. Reconciling his strong dedication to his role and duties as President against the realities of Democratic pressures on him to reconsider, I imagine he had several “dark nights of the soul” where he struggled emotionally and psychologically (the connection of Mercury in Scorpio to transiting retrograde Saturn). A saving grace is that same transiting retrograde Saturn bolsters the strong foundation of his family and faith. 


I think President Biden’s transit chart clearly shows the themes of this remarkable decision and announcement. It was fun exploring this astrological time with you.  What do you think?  Reply with a comment!  I’d love to hear your take on this.  And to offer more grace to this post, I’m sharing audio background too! Here’s a link to a song I kept listening to as I wrote this– “How Sweet is Your Love” by Sinkane and his album We Belong 

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